The Park

The Gladstone Mountain Bike Park is located at the end of Koowin Drive, Kirkwood.

Below is a map of all the trails for you to explore and enjoy.


Gladstone Mountain Bike Park on

Mountain Bike Responsibility Code

Mountain biking involves the risk of injury. Common sense and caution can reduce the risk for your safety and the safety of others, please adhere to the code.

  • Be courteous to other trail users. Ride in control & within your ability level. Always wear a helmet when riding.
  • Familiarise yourself with the trails. Stay on the marked trails. Do not cut switchbacks. Obey all signs and warnings.
  • Look uphill and yield to other riders. Do not stop where you obstruct a trail.
  • Assist if you are involved in a collision or witness an accident.
  • Keep off all closed trails and closed areas.
  • Stay off the trails & out of the bike reserve if you are impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  • We share the park with many of its wild inhabitants and are privileged to ride in a beautiful bush environment. Take nothing but photos. Leave nothing but tyre tracks. Please take all rubbish away with you.